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Thoughts & Inspiration

After becoming born again in 1989, it was an immediate thing for me to start giving of what the Lord Jesus blessed me with, even if it meant not having cash flow until His blessings came through. It was not something that I had thought through or something that was hammered into my head, it just seemed the godly things to do and I still believe that it is the godly thing to do after almost 18 years of walking with the Lord Jesus by my side! Through thick or thin, plenty or nothing, and let me tell you,
there were many times that I had absolutely nothing, but gave I gave and blessed He has blessed and at time more abundantly than others!

To some my testimony might sound blasé, but coming out of a lifestyle of making debt, having credit facilities and using them so far beyond their limits that it appeared impossible to ever clear it, and that all just to impress others, I suddenly had this overpowering peace about giving away the money I was earning to an organization I was not even sure would use the funds according to Biblical principals. The revelation only truly struck me years later as God’s blessings just came pouring into my life, that it was because the GIVER of all times was indwelling me and working His will through my hands!
What a revelation!

Yes, there are many reasons why we need to tithe, but the main reason is ME, and my heart attitude towards releasing what I believe is mine into the hands of the Lord, by giving into the storehouse where I fellowship!

I have had to remind myself many times, that God does not need my money for
“…the silver and gold is Mine….,”…. and the ”
….cattle on a thousand hills….,” says the Lord, but
He does need me to give! Why?


Because I love Him and desire to obey Him in
all things,
NO MATTER THE COST (1Sam 15:22; Luke 12:21;

Deut 26:12-14


Because I want to be a blessing to His Body, THE CHURCH (
Rom 15:26;
1Tim 5:8; Deut 26:12-14


Because by giving, I will receive the greater reward (Luke 6:38; Acts 20:35)


Because I want to see men of God enabled to preach, teach and equip the Body of Christ Jesus for ministry (Eph 4:11;
1Tim 5:18)


Because without finances a congregation is limited in its impact on the community around it (Deut 26:12-14)

In Malachi 3:8-11 we read, ”
Will a man
rob God? Yet you have robbed Me. But you say, Wherein have we robbed You?

In tithes and offerings.
cursed with a curse: for you have robbed Me,
even this whole nation.
Bring all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be ‘meat’ (food) in My house, and
prove Me now herewith, says the LORD of hosts, if I will not
open you the windows of heaven, and pour you out a blessing, that
there shall not
be room enough
to receive it
. And
I will rebuke the devourer for your sakes, and he shall not destroy the fruits of your ground; neither shall your vine cast her fruit before the time in the field, says the LORD of hosts

Take note that the Lord God is saying TITHES and OFFERINGS and not just TITHES! Both belong to the storehouse, both are to be used to grow a ministry and withholding both, can and will eventually break a ministry! I am sure that none of us have a desire to stand before the Lord one day and have to answer to Him for allowing an Ananias and Sapphira spirit into our lives! (Acts 5:1)

Are you thinking, ”
But you said that God is not dependant on my money“? Yes, that is true, but
the local storehouse is and
God uses people to bless people! So, all who are part of the Body of Christ Jesus, have the same responsibility, to give so that God’s Church can benefit! And this does not only mean money, it also means my time, talents, abilities and possessions!

This is the only place in God’s Word where He gives us full permission to prove Him and should we not take Him up on His Word? He also makes a promise that when we entrust our tithes and offerings to Him, He will rebuke the devourer on our behalf so that we will
lack nothing!

Now, some might say, ”
That is Old Testament Law, we are New Testament believers and do not have to tithe anymore,” but if we look at Abraham, who lived many years before
the tithing law was implemented in Leviticus, we see that he too gave tithes to Melchizedek,
and are we not today of the seed of Abraham? ”
And if you
be Christ’s, then are you Abraham’s seed, and heirs according to the promise
” (Galatians 3:29).

We also need to remember that we DO NOT
PAY TITHES! Paying tithes is like buying a motorcar. You put the money down before you get the car! NO! We do not pay tithes to God,
we GIVE tithes to God and a gift, when it leaves your hand, is
no longer yours to dictate over!

God knows what we need therefore we can entrust everything we own into His able hands and know that
will bless us

according to our heart attitude, and our willingness to be a blessing to Him, and the Body of Christ Jesus! …….

But, our eyes should NEVER be on the blessings, it should ALWAYS be on the giver, our heavenly FATHER!

Trust God with what you have, in accordance with His Word (1 Tim 5:8), and see how He increases you!

8 responses to “Why must I give tithes & offerings?”

  1. i really convinced with this testimony, even I’m a Pastor I’ll still$B!!(Bhave the doubt, but with this testimony my mind was openned and understand more about whuy i should give thithes to the Lord. I believed that I’s the Lord command to give, and He blesses those who are obedient. God Bless.

  2. I have been giving thithes & givings to Gods house as it is written in the bible.And i have seen all his words proven .
    But as the amount of the thithes % givings increase, i got great difficulty of putting the bunch of money in Gods house without nobody looking at me.
    So is there any mechanism that i can solve my problem?

  3. I current give tithes and offering, but se nothing accept salaries being paid in the church only. Is that the intent of meat in the storehouse?

  4. i just want to share my point with you brother..
    we cannot pay the church serving us..teaching us gospel..
    we tithes and offering so that it could be use in the ministry.
    Our pastor actually doesn’t need our money, because he has that abundantly already.
    I give not to get in return..i give because i simply love God who give me abilities, job and life..
    He has a plan why we still here..and that is to continue what Jesus started, to preach the Good news..
    And through tithing and offering..we can be part of that ministry.. I pray that you would know God more.. God bless.. 🙂

  5. i just want to share my point with you brother..
    we cannot pay the church serving us..teaching us gospel..
    we tithes and offering so that it could be use in the ministry.
    Our pastor actually doesn’t need our money, because he has that abundantly already.
    I give not to get in return..i give because i simply love God who give me abilities, job and life..
    He has a plan why we still here..and that is to continue what Jesus started, to preach the Good news..
    And through tithing and offering..we can be part of that ministry.. I pray that you would know God more.. God bless.. 🙂

  6. i just want to share my point with you brother..
    we cannot pay the church serving us..teaching us gospel..
    we tithes and offering so that it could be use in the ministry.
    Our pastor actually doesn’t need our money, because he has that abundantly already.
    I give not to get in return..i give because i simply love God who give me abilities, job and life..
    He has a plan why we still here..and that is to continue what Jesus started, to preach the Good news..
    And through tithing and offering..we can be part of that ministry.. I pray that you would know God more.. God bless.. 🙂

  7. GOD is realy great ! He has blessed me with every heavenly blessing above what i can imagine……. I love to give- not that i wanna be seen, but just love to give. It makes me feel good…… Thatsm why i always have,,,,,,,,, not just financialy but spititualy, mentally and materially…. GOD IS AWESUM,,,,,,, NOT 1 DAY DO I GO TO BED HUNGRY!!!!